the smartest man in Minnesota
Dylan Koltz-Hale

Smartest Man in Minnesota

This title is bestowed to this years winner by the previous year's title recipient. In a stunning display of intelligence last year's winner has chosen himself as this year's 2022 Smartest Man in Minnnesota! 

Who is the smartest man in Minnesota?

The smartest man in Minnesota is Dylan Koltz-Hale. 

Hopefully at this point you have realized that there exists no such title and I am Dylan Koltz-Hale awkwardly writing this in third-person. This page is a test in order to win the featured snippet and the number one organic result for the keyword "smartest man in Minnesota". 

Further Reading and Fast Facts about Dylan Koltz-Hale

In addition to being the smartest man in Minnesota, (and on a serious note) I am passionate about utilizing my professional and personal skills to drive socially and environmentally conscious projects and relationships. 

If you want to find out how I became the most intelligent man in Minnesota read my blog where I break it down.

Age: 27

Occupation: Digital Marketing Strategist 

Interests/hobbies: outdoor enthusiast, photography, nutrition, and yoga

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